Heart care, connected

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Heart disease is a serious problem
for people and for healthcare.

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Full Stack Developer

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Keeping Patients out of the Hospital

Body Large: Keeping tabs on your patients with heart failure means you can intervene more proactively, with the potential to reduce hospital readmissions. Patient monitoring with a wearable biosensor can begin as soon as the patient leaves the hospital, so you can proactively detect physiological decompensations and deliver personalized interventions when necessary. You’ll also have access to a dashboard of all your patients on the system, monitored in real time.

Body Regular: Patients use a set of connected devices – including an adhesive ECG patch, connected scale, and connected blood pressure cuff to establish a personalized baseline. The Prolaio app guides them through scheduled tasks, including personal surveys about their symptoms.

Body Small: In addition to displaying daily monitoring metrics, the Prolaio Care Team Dashboard provides expert- and algorithm-powered assessments of patient risk trends. Your patients’ medical record data is given in context, to assist your medical decision-making with actionable insights.

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Reviewing cardiac measures at clinical study check-in dates doesn’t always yield the best results. Problems can be identified too late and crucial signals can be missed – like variation between patients or subgroups that could affect treatment and development strategies.

A couple crossing the road while holding hands and smiling
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Prolaio’s biomedical research platform makes always-on statistical data possible for clinical studies with our 21 CFR compliant, FDA-recognized platform that leverages remote monitoring and AI.

  • You’re in control
  • You have a say
  • Your Doctor sees you 24/7
  • You can make a difference

Now, you can see what’s happening with your subjects all the time, to generate insights, adapt, drive efficacy, and keep patients safe.

  1. Empowering Patients
  2. Connecting Care Teams
  3. Keeping Patients out of the Hospital
  4. Accelerating Therapy Research

Your care team has real-time monitoring on the Prolaio app and receives notifications when there are signals they should look into. Because your heart works all the time, not just on appointment times.


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Wondering can be worrying. Leave the hospital with confidence knowing 
you’re still connected to your care team, constantly.

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Title Goes Here

Wondering can be worrying. Leave the hospital with confidence knowing 
you’re still connected to your care team, constantly.

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